Our Vice-Director and member of the Erasmus+ Team of the Cmus Profesional in Vigo, traveled these days of December to Parma, Italy, to prepare the mobility of teachers who will travel to this destination.

This is the last preparatory visit in person that we will carry out this course, since the remaining procedures and meetings, which continue until the teachers travel to their destinations, will be done through online meetings and email.

The center to be visited in Parma by our colleagues Ramón Cabezas Varela, harmony teacher, and Óscar Davila Mariño, horn teacher and Quality Coordinator, is the Conservatorio di Musica Arrigo Boito, and this visit will take place between April 16th and 20th, 2024.

Carmen worked during these days with the Erasmus+ Coordinators Riccardo Mascia and Diego Zatelli. Besides elaborating the possible work plan for our colleagues, Carmen attended several classes at the conservatory, and also a few concerts that she found around the city. Parma is a very musical place and its streets show it well as we show in the beautiful photos that Carmen took to illustrate her trip. We hope you like them!

Arrigo Boito Conservatory of Musica and Palatina Library
Arrigo Boito Conservatory of Music
Riccardo Mascia, Carmen Carreiras (our Vice-Director) and Diego Zatelli, Erasmus Coordinators at the Conservatorio Arrigo Boito di Parma

City of Parma
Music Culture in the streets of Parma