On Wednesday, January 10th, the Cultural Training and Practical Advice Days were held for the teachers who will travel to Lugano (Switzerland), Parma (Italy) and Loulé (Portugal).

From left to right and back to front: Ángel Montes, Carmen Carreiras, Sara Peral, Virginia Lis, Ramón Cabezas, Gloria Rodríguez, María del Mar Bel, Aine Veloso and Óscar Davila.

As we can see in the picture, Ángel Montes, Carmen Carreiras and Virginia Lis talked about cultural aspects and practical recommendations about the three destinations of the mobility and practical advice gathered from the experience of the preparatory visits, and Sara Peral recommended aspects to take into account and documentation of interest for before, during and after the mobility.

The teachers who participated in the session receiving these tips were Ramón Cabezas and Óscar Davila who will travel to Parma, María del Mar Bel who will go to Lugano and Gloria Rodríguez who together with Aine Veloso will visit Loulé.

These training sessions are very important so that teachers can take advantage of their stay in other centers with similar characteristics to ours, and bring back new ideas through their experience.