Our colleagues of the Erasmus+ Team, Carmen Carreiras and Ángel Montes, at the same time vice-director and secretary of CMUS, visit the Uppsala Kulturskola to set up the 3 teacher mobilities that will take place next February 2023.

There, the Erasmus coordinator of the Uppsala Kulturskola, Angus Keay, welcomed our colleagues with open arms and great enthusiasm to help us in our project. During these days, he will be in charge of showing them the facilities of the school, the specialities taught, as well as the timetables in which they are taught, to begin to define the activities that will be carried out by the three teachers who will be the lucky ones to visit this Swedish conservatory next February.

The adventure begins at the Uppsala Kulturskola.

We hope that you will soak up the Swedish culture and bring back great ideas for planning the job-shadowing activities related to this year’s Erasmus mobilities.