Category Preliminary Training

Results of the surveys of the Preliminary Linguistic Training for teachers, and Cultural, Informative and Practical Advice for teachers and students who will benefit from the mobilities of the KA121 2023-2024 project.

We already have the results of the surveys we conducted after the training sessions for teachers and students who will enjoy the mobilities to Lugano, Loulé and Parma in the case of teachers, and to Uppsala in the case of… Continue Reading →

Ready to start the mobilities! Last Pre-Training Day

This Wednesday, January 24, was held the Training Day within the Self-Protection Plan and action in case of emergency for teachers who will participate in the mobilities of the KA121 2023-2024 project, but also for the rest of the faculty…. Continue Reading →

Preliminary Training Day for the students who will benefit from the mobilities of the KA121 2023-2024 project.

The students who will travel to Uppsala had the Pre-Training Day on cultural and practical aspects on Thursday, November 18th at 6 pm. This day was attended by the students who will travel to Uppsala in the first of the… Continue Reading →

Pre-training day for teachers: reviewing in English.

This Wednesday, January 17th, took place the English language training for teachers. This was the last of the previous language training days for teachers who will participate in the mobilities of the KA121 2023-2024 project. This Wednesday’s training was focused… Continue Reading →

Preliminary Linguistic Training Days for teachers who will do Job-Shadowing mobilities in this KA121 2023-2024 project.

Yesterday, Wednesday, December 20th, took place the first training days within the KA121 2023-2024 project. This time dedicated to language training in Italian and Portuguese. As we can see in the pictures, some of the colleagues who will enjoy the… Continue Reading →

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