On Friday 14th October the CMUS Professional Vigo joined the celebration of the Erasmus Days that are held in hundreds of schools across Europe.
As we have been announcing the past days, the CMUS Professional Vigo wanted to organize today, Friday 14th October, an informative talk by members of the CMUS Erasmus team. It was addressed to all the staff and the experiences lived in last year’s mobilities to Portugal and Italy have been shared, the most important details of this year’s call have been given, the characteristics of the scale of merits that will be used for the selection process and other curiosities of the mobilities that we will carry out this year, such as the 3 destinations of these mobilities: Italy, Sweden and Costa Rica!
It should be noted that the talk has been very well appreciated by the participants and many of them have told us that the information provided has motivated them to start the application process for participation in the project.
In addition, throughout the day, a video-presentation about the recently obtained Erasmus KA120 Accreditation was shown in the hall of the Conservatory. In it, the experience of the mobilities carried out by three CMUS teachers last year (Carmen Carreiras, Isabel Gómez and Sara Peral) was shared and information about the mobilities that will be carried out this academic year 2022-2023 was shown. Thanks to this video, students have also learned about the nature of the programme and the first interested in the possible student mobilities that can be carried out in the coming years have already appeared.
For those who were unable to attend the talk, here is the summary-video published on our Youtube channel:
Thank you for joining us and showing so much interest in this project!
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